
For the Vantaz Group, "Compliance" goes beyond the observance of norms and standards; it is the creation of a culture rooted in corporate integrity and ethics.

Our Actions

Implementation of 1st Compliance System

Increase ESD 2024 score - Ethics & Governance


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Our Sustainability Strategy and Compliance Pillar

Our Actions


For Vantaz Group, compliance is much more than adhering to norms and standards.

The Model for Crime Prevention and the Code of Ethics

Vantaz Group cuenta con un Modelo de Prevención de Delitos referente a la Ley N° 21.595.

Our Suppliers

Vantaz Group becomes a strategic partner of its suppliers of goods and services. It promotes a relationship based on values.

Implementation of 1st Compliance System

This initiative focuses on establishing a comprehensive framework that promotes ethics and compliance in all of the company's activities. This system is designed to prevent and detect potential criminal conduct, strengthen an organizational culture based on integrity, and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.


In collaboration with our legal team, we have developed a comprehensive crime prevention model that covers key aspects of identifying and mitigating legal and ethical risks.


In 2024, we will undergo our first external audit to evaluate the effectiveness of our actions and ensure that we are aligned with the highest standards of integrity and compliance.

Increase DSE 2024 score - Ethics & Governance

This initiative focuses on improving the score obtained in the Ethics and Governance dimension of the Corporate Sustainability Diagnostic (CSD), carried out by Corporate Action in 2024.


This objective implies the implementation of improvements and the strengthening of ethical and governance practices in the company, with the aim of achieving a higher sustainability index in this specific dimension. 


We look forward to seeing how these efforts will be reflected in the upcoming Enterprise Sustainability Diagnosis (ESD) 2024 report.


For the Vantaz Group, compliance is much more than adhering to norms and standards.

Compliance means creating a culture of integrity and business ethics that guides the behavior and decision-making of everyone in our organization, within the parameters and guidelines set by senior management, to implement best practices in all areas where effective risk management requires it.

It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest, ethical and law-abiding manner, and we have a zero-tolerance approach to wrongdoing. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate, and to enforcing effective systems to prevent the commission of crimes. 

We will comply with all applicable laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate.

We look forward to seeing how these efforts will be reflected in the upcoming Enterprise Sustainability Diagnosis (ESD) 2024 report.

The Model for Crime Prevention and the Code of Ethics
Crime Prevention Model

El Grupo Vantaz cuenta con un Modelo de Prevención de Delitos referente a la Ley N° 21.595, el que establece una forma de organización corporativa que intenta evitar la comisión de los delitos indicados en dicha ley que regula la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas.

La adopción de este modelo demuestra nuestro compromiso organizacional por evitar la comisión de delitos, beneficien o no estos a la compañía. El objetivo específico del modelo no es solo disuadir la comisión de delitos, sino, muy especialmente, dar cumplimiento a los deberes de dirección y supervisión que impone la ley N° 21.595.


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Ethics Code

The companies that make up the Vantaz Group have for many years shared a culture of commitment to human rights and respect for human dignity, the fight against corruption and the preservation of the environment.

In addition, this culture has led the Vantaz Group to adopt ethical principles that often go beyond the applicable laws and regulations. For this reason, it has a Code of Ethics, which should serve as a guide for the actions of all employees, since the corporate values of the Vantaz Group are expressed through the way each of them acts.


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Our Suppliers

The Vantaz Group becomes a strategic partner of its suppliers of goods and services, promoting a relationship based on values such as ethics, transparency, health, safety, environment, anti-corruption and respect for human rights.

We seek mutually beneficial long-term relationships with them that enable us to operate in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner in accordance with the policies, codes and standards maintained by the Vantaz Group supply chain.


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